Monday, March 4, 2013

Brasov County - Temple of Fate in Şinca Veche

The Temple of Fate is located at 45 km from Braşov and 22 km from Făgăraş. It was building in 1741, when the orthodox church was prohibited. On the wall that is a David's Star sign. The Temple are five rooms, the windows are narrow, and there is a 10m high flue through which light oozes in.

Brasov County - Făgăraş (German: Fogarasch, Fugreschmarkt, Hungarian: Fogaras)

Făgăraş is a city in central Romania, located in Braşov County at 66 km from Braşov and 76 km from Sibiu. In 1369, Louis I of Hungary gave the Royal Estates of Făgăraş to his vassal, Vladislav I of Wallachia, the territory remained in the possession of Wallachian Princes until 1464. Except for this period of Wallachian rule, the town itself was centre of the surrounding royal estates. During the rule of Transylvanian Prince Gabriel Bethlen (1613–1629), the city became an economic role model city in the southern regions of the realm. Bethlen rebuilt the fortress entirely.